KNPS 2023, The Year in Review

As we begin a new year it can be fun and informative to look back and reflect on the Society’s activities in 2023. Beginning in January and ending in November, with events and activities across the Commonwealth, KNPS had another great year spreading the message of the value, importance, and beauty of the native plants and ecosystems of Kentucky. We hope you enjoy these images and descriptions of the Society’s 2023 activities and that you will be able to join us in the field in 2024.

Continue reading KNPS 2023, The Year in Review

Bob Dunlap (1955-2023)

Robert Dunlap

Robert “Bob” Dunlap
Feb. 5, 1955 – Oct. 13, 2023

On Friday, October 13, 2023, our friend Robert “Bob” Dunlap died, a terrible loss to the Kentucky botanical community. Bob loved nature and his love for the natural world was evident in how he spent his time. Bob liked to say of himself that he was “an amateur naturalist living near Paducah who owns every Peterson Field Guide that was ever published”.

In 2005, Bob was awarded the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission Volunteer Steward of the Year. He was a longtime member of the Kentucky Native Plant Society. He wrote several articles on native plants that were published in scientific journals and the KNPS Lady Slipper newsletter (see a list of his Lady Slipper articles at the end of this memorial). Bob was a wonderful nature photographer and you can see some of his photographs at his iNaturalist Observations page. Bob was also a certified Master Naturalist. He loved to share his knowledge by giving presentations on native plants and leading nature walks in the area. He was a self-taught botanist who found new locations for rare plants and assisted in plant surveys (with state nature preserves botanists beginning over 20 years ago). Recently he was researching management strategies for a rare lily species, re-visiting the populations to determine whether light, competition or other factors are causing decline, to determine the best long term conservation strategy.

Continue reading Bob Dunlap (1955-2023)

Calling all Artists & Graphic Designers! Enter the Wildflower Weekend 2024 Logo Design Contest

If you are an artist or graphic designer we would love for you to consider entering the Wildflower Weekend 2024 Logo Design Contest. This is an open design contest to come up with a logo for Wildflower Weekend 2024 (April 12-14 at Natural Bridge SRP). The logo will be used on t-shirts, hoodies, and coffee cups, as well as on all publicity about the event. The submitted designs will be presented to the KNPS membership for voting and the winner will be awarded $200 and be recognized on the KNPS website.

In June of 2022, a KNPS member posted the image on the right on the KNPS Facebook group page of a t-shirt she had found in a thrift store. Asking among several longtime members, it turns out that in the 1990s, and into the early 2000’s, KNPS produced t-shirts for each Wildflower Weekend. Last year the KNPS Board decided to bring back this great tradition for Wildflower Weekend 2023.

WW2023 logo

In early 2023, we began the process of creating a logo by presenting our members and friends with a slideshow of 13 native species and asking them to select their top three choices. The yellow trout lily (Erythronium americanum) was the narrow winner. The Board then asked KNPS member Kendall MacDonald to design a logo for the 2023 Wildflower Weekend. The beautiful image she created featured the yellow trout lily with Cumberland Falls as the background. The image was used in all publicity for the event and was also featured on an adult t-shirt, a coffee mug, a kid’s t-shirt, and an adult hoodie that were available for sale in our KNPS Gear Shop.

The star of the logo will be the native plant. Although the yellow trout lily was the plant that was first choice by a majority of those voting last year, the Trillium genus received almost as many votes and will be the flower to be featured on this year’s logo. Two species of Trillium received the same number of votes; the great white trillium (T. grandiflorum) and stinking Benjamin, a.k.a. red trillium (T. erectum). Both species are commonly found in the Natural Bridge/Red River Gorge area. Artists can choose to use either species or both in their design.

Continue reading Calling all Artists & Graphic Designers! Enter the Wildflower Weekend 2024 Logo Design Contest

Save The Date for the 4th Annual, Virtual, Kentucky Botanical Symposium – February 2, 2024

Coming Together to Discuss Current Botany Projects, Conservation, and Collaboration in Kentucky and Beyond

KNPS will be hosting our 4th annual, virtual, Botanical Symposium on Friday, February 2nd, from 9AM-11:30AM EST. For several years, KNPS has organized a botanical symposium in the fall/winter with a goal of bringing together professionals, citizen scientists, academics, gardeners and students in order to learn about what’s going on in the world of Kentucky Botany. Everyone interested in the native plants of Kentucky is welcome to watch the Symposium and there is no charge for this event. The Symposium will be recorded and will be made available online if you are unable to attend.

We are currently working on lining up presenters and developing the topics for the Symposium. Watch for the January Lady Slipper for details as they become available. In the meantime, you might want to watch the presentations from the 3rd Annual Botanical Symposium, the 2nd Annual Botanical Symposium, and the 1st Annual Botanical Symposium . If you have any questions, shoot us an email at

What to give the native plant lover who has everything this holiday season …

Give the gift of a KNPS membership!

It’s that time of year, and if you’re looking for a special gift for someone who has everything and says, “I don’t need anything,” consider a KNPS membership or swag. Your gift is sure to be a big hit because it supports the KNPS mission:

The purpose of this organization shall be to serve as a medium of fellowship and information exchange among botanists, both amateur and professional, to promote conservation of native plants and natural plant communities of Kentucky; to promote public education in botanical science; and to encourage botanical research in Kentucky.

Membership is open to everyone. Anyone who appreciates native plants and understands the importance of preserving our natural heritage is welcome! You can even purchase a gift membership for an active member — we’ll simply extend their active membership.

Some members have lifetime memberships so for those folks, consider a donation in their name.

KNPS depends entirely on volunteers and the contributions of members and friends to accomplish our goals. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

KNPS Not Quite Winter hike is a success!

By David Taylor

On November 4, several brave hikers joined me for the Not Quite Winter Botany field trip at the Berea College Forest (Berea Woods). The day’s start was a bit chilly while waiting for everyone to arrive. Once we began to hike, we warmed and the air temperature did as well.

This is an aerial photo of Berea College Forest.
Berea College Forest. Photo Credit: Berea College

We hiked through oak forest on acids soils developed over Devonian shale, then into mixed mesophytic forest on basic soils developed over Mississippian limestone and compared forest composition. A total of about 30 woody plants — vines, shrubs and trees — were seen with about the same number of herbaceous plants, mostly forbs and some grasses.

The previous week, the area experienced temperatures below 20 for two nights in a row and several other nights around 30. We anticipated finding many plants without leaves. That was not the case. Most shrubs and trees still held leaves, as did many of the herbaceous plants. We had trouble finding fruits of plants and our trip focused on bark and leaves. Some herbaceous plants were still in flower. For example, late purple aster (Symphyotrichum patens) and others such as small-disk sunflower (Helianthus microcephalus) still had identifying remnants of inflorescences.

There was ample opportunity, unfortunately, to discuss nonnative invasive species. The trail corridor provided habitat for a number of them. Many questions were asked and we spent more time having discussions or looking for examples of specific characters than hiking.

We did not reach our goal of Indian Fort Lookout before we had to turn around due to time limitations and identification based on fruit was limited. The trip was a success just the same. Participants were able to see a variety of species, including some nonnative invasive species in winter conditions to aid identification in other places. We had good discussion and laughs and a few people will be coming back to the area in the spring to check out the wildflowers.

David has been interested in plants since elementary school. During middle and high school years, he began a list of the plants found in the fields and forest near his home. He also began to grow wildflowers in a garden that his mother soon adopted. At Berea College, he was exposed to formal botany classes and began to collect extensively (with permission) in the Berea College Forest, updating a much earlier collection. In graduate school, he completed a preliminary flora of St. Tammany and Washington Parishes, Louisiana. After teaching at Cumberland College for two years, he joined the U.S. Forest Service as Forest Botanist for the Daniel Boone National Forest. He has been in that position for more than 30 years working primarily with rare plants and nonnative invasive plants.

David has worked with the Kentucky Native Plant society for about 30 years, serving mostly as grants chairperson. He has contributed about a dozen articles to The Lady Slipper over the years. David lives outside of Berea, where he grows a variety of plants and works to remove invasive species from grown up pasture land.

From the Lady Slipper Archives: The Mistletoes

The Lady Slipper newsletter of the Kentucky Native Plant Society has been published since the Society’s founding in 1986. We occasionally feature an article from a past issue. This one, about the parasitic plants known as “mistletoes”, which first appeared in the winter of 2004, Vol. 19, No. 4, seemed appropriate for the season. If you would like to see other past issues, visit the Lady Slipper Archives, where all issues from Vol. 1, No. 1, February 1986 to Vol. 34, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2019 (after which we moved to this blog format) can be found.

The Mistletoes

by David Taylor, US Forest Service

“Mistletoe on Locust, Stephensport, Kentucky” (Breckinridge Co.)—a glass lantern slide from American Environmental Photographs, 1891–1936, [#AEP-KYS9], Department of Special Collections, University of Chicago Library.

As autumn fades into winter, dark green clumps perched in trees along roads and fencerows, stand out once again. Some trees, especially black cherry, now exhibit gnarled or stub branches, the telltale sign of a current or past infestation, even if the plant is unseen. Birds may be seen plucking white berries from the clumps, and occasionally a person may be seen scouting trees from which to gather some at a later date. The object of attention?— mistletoe.

In Kentucky and neighboring states, we think of the thick-leaved, usually dark green plant we see growing in hardwood trees in towns and along country roads. This is only one of many species of plants known as mistletoe. Before returning to the mistletoe familiar to us, we will take a survey of the mistletoes.

Mistletoe Families

The plants commonly known as mistletoes belong to one of two families, the Loranthaceae and the Viscaceae. Two other less familiar families of ‘mistletoes’ are the Eremolepidaceae and the Misodendraceae. All have in common a hemiparasitic relationship with a host plant, almost always a woody plant. Hemiparasites derive water, minerals, and occasionally food (sugars) from the host plant, but are photosynthetic and produce at least part of their own food. The lesser known families are briefly mentioned first.

Continue reading From the Lady Slipper Archives: The Mistletoes