Highland Cemetery

Date of Trip: 03/31/2018
Start Time: 10:00 am Eastern Time
Location: 2167 Dixie Hwy, Fort Mitchell, Kenton Co., KY

Sanguinaria canadensis

Ft. Mitchell Highland Cemetery is one of the best locations in Northern Kentucky for viewing a multitude of early spring wildflowers. Three lakes, hundreds of large trees, waterfalls, and streams make it both geologically and botanically interesting. Cincinnati Wildflower Preservation Society member Rob Repasky will direct this moderately easy walk.

Directions: From Interstate 75 going north, take Exit 188 (Ft. Mitchell, Dixie Highway South) and turn south off the exit onto Dixie Highway; go about 0.4 mile and turn left into the cemetery. Its white gates are directly across from Kroger and Expressway Plaza Shopping Center. Take all right turns after you enter the cemetery. You will pass a lake on the right and see a parking lot at the trailhead where we’ll meet. The cemetery address is 2167 Dixie Highway, Fort Mitchell.