KNPS Announces 2022 Research Grants for Students and Citizen Scientists!

Did you know that the Kentucky Native Plant Society offers small grants to help defer the costs of botanical research, inventory and native plant restoration? Since 2012, KNPS has awarded $8,100 to students working in these areas. Another $750 was awarded in prior years. The total number of grants awarded in any given year is based on the number of proposals received, the quality of proposals and available funding. The graph below shows the kinds of projects that have been funded.

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The second type of grant is new and is open to anyone. It will fund

1.  native plant inventory, or

2.  rare and native plant restoration.

Native plant inventory grants are limited to Kentucky locations and successful applicants will receive a maximum of $250. Rare and native plant restoration grants are awarded to applicants working with native Kentucky plants, preferentially those which are globally rare (G1, G2). Successful applicants will be awarded a maximum of $500. All rare and native plant restoration grants require coordination with the Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves (OKNP) and the Kentucky Native Plant Conservation Alliance coordinators prior to application.

A grant proposal must include:

  1. A current curriculum vitae;
  2. A proposal (not to exceed two single-spaced typed pages) describing the proposed research and the role the grant would play in the research;
  3. An itemized budget;
  4. A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s major professor or project director; and
  5. Indicate whether the grant request is for a student research grant, a native plant inventory grant or a rare and native plant restoration grant.
  6. If the grant is for rare and native plant restoration, include a letter of support from OKNP.

Budget items typically funded include travel to research sites and supplies such as herbarium paper and lab consumables. No personnel time will be funded.

All Grant Proposals are due by April 1st, 2022.

If you are interested in applying for any of the KNPS grants, visit the Grants page at the KNPS website. If, after reading the grants page, you have any questions, please email them to: